Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I’m 21 years old, & I’m single how hard can a social life be at my age?
Should be easy right I wouldn’t say I’m the most un attractive girl I’ve ever seen….
But truth is it is HARD really HARD…..
Not only am I 21 and single, I have a four and half year old that I am a single parent of. Most guys my age aren’t looking  for a  girl with such baggage and as harsh as that sounds I’ve had it said directly to me. Of course at first it really got to me but after two months of thinking about it I have come to realize I am more than ok with being a single mom who doesn’t date and focuses solely on their child and own self. Sounds lonely doesn’t it?
I think of it this way I don’t mind going out occasionally having a beer and catching up with a friend and letting loose from my crazy life at home. I don’t mind having dinner with guy who I know at the end of the night might not call me. I don’t mind talking to a guy knowing it will never go anywhere. My main priority isn’t to find myself someone to make happy mainly because I already know the only person whom can do that for me, is well myself.
Girls are so desperate to find someone they can depend on for emotional support, that’s what friends are for… Recent argument with a friend is “You need a sex life or some kind of satisfaction for yourself to stay sane”  Check this out… there are other ways to do so then having someone do it for you plus you’re the only one who knows how to do so right;) ??
My step dad and my mom believe I’m at a point in my life where I need someone to take care of me but guess what? I only need to take care of myself! I will never become vulnerable and allow someone to be responsible for myself or Keegan because I made the choice to be responsible for both of us. I believe it is the best decision for me at least right now maybe it won’t be forever but hey I know what makes me happy right?
So to the guys who think I blow them off because I’m not interested it’s really not you, you either got to close or I just don’t want to be subjected to getting my heart more broken than it already is. Or to the guys who never wasted their time because I have a kid and they didn’t want to deal with my baggage …Thank You! because I don’t like my time wasted either when I have something way more important to spend my time on.

So truth be told, here it is right here…. When I use to think about single parents who were lonely and made this decision they were still the happiest people I’ve ever known because they were happy with themselves and they were happy raising their children to be the best people they could be.